
+91 40-27126228

Dynamic Braking

Dynamic braking resistors are used in electrical drives to absorb the energy generated by the motor during a deceleration phase when the voltage in the DC Bus goes beyond a set point.

Braking resistors are the simplest and most reliable way of absorbing this energy and preventing the drive electronics from tripping in order to protect itself during this phase. In most cases the braking resistor solution is also the most cost effective way of absorbing this high energy.

Braking resistors have to be specially designed to absorb these high overloads and the amount of energy that can be absorbed depends on the duty cycle of the motor system.

PEC provides a range of resistors which can be used in servo systems, robotic drive systems, variable frequency drives which have the UL safety mark and high overload capability.

We have different types of braking resistors in our range. We offer traditional Ceramic Resistors with Vitreous Enamel Coating (PVR, PVRC), Silicone Cement Coating (PPR, PPRC) and a Range of Aluminium Housed Resistors (PHF, PHCF, PHBH, PHCH, PHEF, PHBR) for fully enclosed insulated resistors. For small motor drives we also have a compact range of PTC element braking resistors – our PHPTC series.

For traction drives used in electric locomotives we have custom designed soft crowbar resistors to absorb high energy overload pulses available in well designed stainless steel enclosures.

Please contact us for further details